Tuesday, December 4, 2007

HW 42: Third Podcast

Hi this is Renee again with my third podcast. I am a member of the gamma pod, and this is homework 42. Today I will be discussing a passage that I found memorable in Baghdad Burning. There was a quote on page 260 that stated, "To see those smiling soldiers with the Iraqi prisoners is horrible, I hope they are made to suffer... somehow know they won't be punished." This passage was very touching for me, because in one way or another it represents America as a whole. When Iraq people suffer from America's harsh choices it may impact them to have a negative view towards all Americans. When she used detail and said smiling soldiers it made me sick to my stomach. How can people be smiling about torturing these people? To me they represent heartless and awful people. I have very few words to put out to people who may be taking this class in the future. While reading this book, you can expect to learn about controversial issues that Americans are involved in, and it will help you understand what it is like to live in Iraq. This is a very touching book, especially since it is being told directly from someone who is experiencing it herself. This is all I have time for today, but thanks for tuning and listening to my last podcast.

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