Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Interest Statement

When it comes to social computing there are three technological terms that come to my mind. Social networking services are very popular amongst the teen population, along with instant messaging and e-mail. This is a way to interact with anyone you know, especially if some of your friends or family live, or have moved far away. Whenever I am on the computer there are three sites that I visit very often. I am always checking my myspace page and facebook page whenever I am online, then I always find myself checking my e-mail.
Everyone should be treated equal, no matter who you are. That is why I am interested in three main categories of empowerment groups. The first group that I would like to research in depth would be overcoming sexism. Every person knows that there are certain things that females can do that males cannot, and vice versa for males with females. But beyond that, they should be look upon at the same level. Another category is overcoming racism. Basing a person on the color of their skin is not right, it shouldn't matter if someone was pink, purple, blue or polka-dots everyone has good qualities about themselves. Last but not least comes overcoming homophobia. It should not matter what one's preference is in liking someone of the same sex or opposite sex. Someone who is gay or a lesbian may think that it is weird for someone to like someone of the opposite sex, so it doesn't matter the person's preference in my opinion.
I would like to look furthur into this on countries such as th U.S and Europe.


Tracy Mendham said...

Is this HW 6?

Tracy Mendham said...

Good, this meets the requirements of the assignment.