Monday, October 22, 2007

HW 23: Responding As Virginia Woolf

Apologies to Virginia Woolf:
As I spent an endless amount of time reading about how women should act in the article "Those gossipy female prison guards", I trembled across many empty thoughts. Why should women have to "be one of the boys" (line 2 in article)? It just boggles my mind that people have thoughts to critique women in such a manner. In depth, thinking to myself the reasoning that there is such a handbook for female prison guards to abide by. The selfishness that must be in one's mind to think of such a thing to create for these females. The question arose in my mind, why don't men have a special handbook? This is merely unnesseccary for any different sex to have seperate rules to abide by for the same mannerisms. Each individual should have the same respect and outlooks of other people. It is only known that if each person succeeds at becoming a guard, that they each had to accomplish the same set of goals. Merely this means that males and females must have some of the same assets, and truely this means that neither sex is more dominant. Females must hold their thoughts and desires together. " And what holds them together in these rare instances of survival is something that one calls integrity". (Woolf, 72)More follow-ups on the article may be found at:

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